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AR-10/LR-308 Featherweight Stock with Mil-Spec Buffer Tube Kit

DPMS COMPATIBLEThis Mil-Spec stock kit includes a Featherweight Buttstock , end plate, stock nut, al..

$99.95 $59.95

AK-47 6-Position Stock Tube with Collapsible Buttstock

This is a combo of our standard 6-Position AK-47 Commercial spec stock tube and Collapsible Buttstoc..

$39.95 $29.95

Saiga Rifle / Shotgun 6 Position Stock Kit with Tube, Pistol Grip & Stock

This 11" 6-Position stock tube is designed to fit various Saiga rifle and shotgun models. It's Comme..

$49.95 $32.95

AR Elemental Frame Carbine Buttstock- Commercial

Specification: Material: reinforced polymer composite Secure friction locking stock4 QD po..

$39.95 $19.99

Adjustable Blackhawk Carbine Buttstock -Made in the USA-OD GREEN

The all new Adjustable Blackhawk Carbine Buttstock comes equipped with high impact polymer and ..

$68.95 $19.99

Adjustable Blackhawk Carbine Buttstock -Made in the USA- Black

The all new Adjustable Blackhawk Carbine Buttstock comes equipped with high impact polymer and ..

$39.95 $26.95

Commerical 6-Position Collapsible Buttstock

This is a six position commercial M4 type buttstock. The stock is made from extremely tough, fib..

$25.99 $14.99

AR-15 Collapsible Standard Version Stock Body-Mil Spec- MADE IN USA

This is a six position commercial M4 type buttstock. The stock is made from extremely tough, fibergl..

$20.95 $15.95

CERAKOTE GRADIENT BRIGHT WHITE | AR-15 Collapsible Standard Version Stock Body-Mil Spec- MADE IN USA

Features:M4 MIl-SPEC 6 position buttstockMolded from reinforced plastic compositeFits standard MIL-S..

$39.95 $33.95

CERAKOTE GRADIENT GOLD | AR-15 Collapsible Standard Version Stock Body-Mil Spec- MADE IN USA

Features:M4 MIl-SPEC 6 position buttstockMolded from reinforced plastic compositeFits standard MIL-S..

$39.95 $33.95

CERAKOTE GRADIENT ORANGE | AR-15 Collapsible Standard Version Stock Body-Mil Spec- MADE IN USA

Features:M4 MIl-SPEC 6 position buttstockMolded from reinforced plastic compositeFits standard MIL-S..

$39.95 $33.95

CERAKOTE GRADIENT RED | AR-15 Collapsible Standard Version Stock Body-Mil Spec- MADE IN USA

Features:M4 MIl-SPEC 6 position buttstockMolded from reinforced plastic compositeFits standard MIL-S..

$39.95 $33.95

CERAKOTE GRADIENT RED | AR-15 Collapsible Standard Version Stock Body-Mil Spec- MADE IN USA

Features:M4 MIl-SPEC 6 position buttstockMolded from reinforced plastic compositeFits standard MIL-S..

$39.95 $33.95

CERAKOTE GRADIENT ROBINS EGG | AR-15 Collapsible Standard Version Stock Body-Mil Spec- MADE IN USA

Features:M4 MIl-SPEC 6 position buttstockMolded from reinforced plastic compositeFits standard MIL-S..

$39.95 $33.95

Mil-Spec 6-Position Collapsible Buttstock - Tan

This is a six position commercial M4 type buttstock. The stock is made from extremely tough, fibergl..

$29.95 $13.95